‘They were friends of Antony and I.’ Ouch!
Why is it wrong? Well, just try taking the word ‘Antony’ away in the quote above. You’d never say ‘They were friends of I’, would you? It should be ‘mine’ […]
Why is it wrong? Well, just try taking the word ‘Antony’ away in the quote above. You’d never say ‘They were friends of I’, would you? It should be ‘mine’ […]
Are you one of the thousands of people who don’t know that ‘you’re’ in the sign in the photo is wrong? Because yes, it is wrong. It should be ‘your’. […]
A couple of people have asked me what I think about the use of ‘less’ when – according to them – it should be ‘fewer’. For example, if someone says […]
Samuel Johnson, renowned man of letters in the eighteenth century, wrote, almost single-handed, the first great reliable dictionary of English. It was published in 1755 by a consortium of printers, […]